Study Tips!

12 min read

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sakonma's avatar

So~ Sweet bookwormtiff@ twitter asked me for some study tips, so I thought to make a "short" journal. Hopefully some people will find it useful! :iconleeblushplz:

I personally had many study problems through my highschool years. Tried many things, some didn't work, some did :la: So here is what I've figured works best for me so far! :dummy: 

Note: Everyone has their own ways and tricks to study. I'm just sharing my own here. It doesn't mean they are the best or that they will work for everyone! For example, someone once told me their tip: Record your own voice reading out loud the text. I tried it out....I got an F on the next test :iconrazycryplz:

Step 1: Environment!

Make sure you're studying in a silent room with a good atmosphere, and lots of light! :la: Studying in a dark room makes you tired faster ;3; Also bad for your eyes!

Also try to avoid distractions: 
  • Don't have the laptop open unless you need to study with it.
  • Don't study on the bed *I always end up snuggling with my pillow within a matter of seconds lmao*
  • Avoid listening to music unless you don't mind it *many artists get inspired by music so it doesn't help them study since art-ideas flow in ;u; Certainly happens with me OTL*
  • Tell everyone to not bother you omg *especially parents. Some parents are annoying enough to keep calling you to do something for them, so make sure you let them know "I'll be studying for x hours, please do not disturb."*
  • Find a comfy, but not TOO comfy place to study .v.b
  • Clean the room around you! *messiness causes me stress and doesn't help with my concentration x0x* 

Tip: Try changing the place you study every week or sooner. Sometimes I study on my room's desk, sometimes in the kitchen, other times in my parent's room, on the floor, etc etc. Changing my environment makes studying refreshing. I don't get bored seeing the same place/the same 4 walls all the time :nod:

Step 2: Be prepared!

 Make sure you have taken care of everything that might distract you from studying/may interrupt your study-time! 

  • Do things you want to do, before studying. If you URGENTLY feel like drawing, do it. You won't be able to concentrate on studying otherwise. Part of your brain will just focus on imagining that drawing OTL //dunno how it's for other people. it's certainly like that for me
  • Generally finish every work that may interrupt you. *replying to messages, telling friends you'll be offline for some time, etcetc*
  • Have food close by *sometimes I tell myself "Oooh I need to go eat something" as an excuse to stand up and stop reading. So yeah, have food prepared XD*

Tip: If you happen to remember something you have to do while you're studying, don't stand up and go do it!!! Write it down on a paper really quick so you won't forget it, and simply leave it for later :la: I often remember to check some things or get an idea randomly while studying, so I write it down. Because if I were to act on it, it may take me hours to get back my concentration and study :faint:

Step 3: Take notes!

It generally helps me to take notes while studying. Either write down a very important formula, or a page number that I MUST revise at all costs before the exam. 
Here are some things that I do:
  • Take a piece of paper and write down formulas you have problems remembering
  • When there's too much text, write a keyword next to the paragraph that summarizes it, in order to remember what it is about 
  • When reading formulas, if there's a symbol that you have problems remembering what it means, draw an arrow above it and write the symbol's meaning .v.b

Step 4: Be prepared for revisions!

The most important thing to studying is to revise everything x0x *unless you instantly remember 100% of everything on your first read-through o-o Then I don't know why you're even reading this journal omg* 

The thing with revisions is: "What should I revise?" "Do I really have to read everything AGAIN?? :iconwhatdoesitmeanplz:"

The answer is no. There's lots of useless content in books, like introductions and stuff. You don't need to remember those parts. 
I generally do 3 revisions of the whole textbook before an exam. It would take an aeon to reread 100% of the content each time, so here is what I do to help myself when revising: 

Underline important things

I think this is the most important thing to do while studying. 
On your first time reading through a textbook, have a pen in hand and underline the most important parts! Yet it doesn't work for me that way. I hate drawing lines upon lines. It makes the textbook look ugly in the end, and SUPER confusing x0x Plus it hurts my hand OTL

For that reason, I've made my own system of "underlining" things while studying ;u; The system uses lines, circles, and reactangles, numbers, symbols and colors, instead of just underlining forever. Here's the gist of it with pictures: (the text is a random example. It's an extract from here  )

Study 1 by sakonma 

Study 2 by sakonma 

Study 3 by sakonma 

There's more rules to my system *like the meaning of using a different color for the brackets etc. or putting an "M" next to a bracket to indicate that this is a helpful mathematical way to solve something, etc,etc* but I decided to just share a simplified line system since it's not as confusing/overwhelming I think :iconleeblushplz:

The thing with the line system is that it helps me when revising. On my first revison I'll revise everything I've drawn a line next to. On 2nd revision, may skip the dashed lines. On 3rd the dashed and straight lines, and on final revision I'll just focus on the things with exclamation marks. 

Put bookmarks on pages that you must absolutely revise. 

Bookmarks are very useful, especially if you're not a person that remembers a page's number by heart :nuu:

Flip the corners of a page

Instead of bookmarks, I sometimes flip the top corner of a page  ´3` That means "Important page: Wouldn't hurt to take a look before exam".

So basically, cut down pointless info and focus on the important things. Then split down the important things to not so important, important, and super important. That way you'll know what do focus on, but without JUST focusing on the really important things. Take note that teachers often ask things that you can easily skip while studying, because you think "Meeeh, doesn't sound important".  Basically, I put the dashed lines next to parts that seem suspious to me. They are NOT important, but it wouldn't hurt to remember like 20-30% of their content .v.b

Step 4: Take breaks!!!!

I can't stress this enough. Breaks are INCREDIBLY important!! \(°^°)/
There's many ways to take breaks, and a thousand ways to spend them :la:

What works for me best though is those two: 

1) Study 1h, take a 30min break. Either draw, or talk to a friend, or exercise, etc.
*I avoid playing games in my breaks because my rule is to play for 1hour/per sitting, so playing only 30mins would feel too little and then it'd ruin my concentration on studying ;3;

2) Study 10 pages, take 15 min break. Either check messages, go eat, lie down, etc. Do something that you'll have finished in your short break.
*sometimes studying for 1h is too tiring for me, so I just study 10pages which takes me like 30-40 mins. It's a more refreshing way to study, and faster paced for me*

Try to have some discipline while doing this! Taking a longer break is very tempting yes, but try to get back to studying soon or you'll be searching for you concentration for the rest of the day :iconrazycryplz:

Finally: Set personal deadlines

Tell yourself that you'd like to study 40 pages today. Or less, it doesn't matter. Just make a good time plan and stick to it!
Discipline is very important when studying, so you gotta learn to stop yourself and your urges ;u; /NO READING YAOI - NO THINKING ABOUT TRAPS FOR ME :iconwhatdoesitmeanplz:/

It's difficult I know, but if you're serious about studying, then you have to commit ;3; 

I hope you find some of the information in this journal useful ;v;b
I'm sure everyone has their own tricks, so just experiment to find what suits you best! :la:
And if you think something works wonders, don't forget to share it with others! :iconkissingplz:

:iconpinkballoonplz: Happy studying!   :iconpinkballoonplz:

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MikaUsami's avatar
I always ended getting distracted by music/snuggling on my pillow/manga..;w;
Every time I study,my mind: "Study!Study!Study!!!!!Don't look around!Just look at this paper!!!"
But at the end...I always reading comics and sleep :iconuhuhuhuplz:

Thank you so much for your tips!I love to listen to music every time I study!
Thank you again!!!!!